Before you download and use videos or images from Visit Umeå´s Content Bank, please read our License information.
All videos and images may be used free of charge by anyone working with, presenting or promoting Umeå as a travel destination. The videos and images may not be edited in any way. Marketing of other products or services is prohibited such as, for example commercial guide books or consumer products.
The user of a video or image must:
1) Download the video or image himself/herself from Visit Umeå´s Content Bank and accept the License Information. The video or image may not be transferred to third parties.
2) Always publish the name of the photographer in the following manner: name of photographer/Visit Umeå. Where no indication of name has been provided, the user may be charged for the omission of the creator’s and/or rights holder’s name.
3) Use the videos and images properly. The videos and images may not be used in any manner or context which might be perceived as offensive, misleading or illegal (for example pornographic or obscene). The images may not be used in such manner that may offend or be libellous to the photographer and/or people depicted in the image.
Visit Umeå reserves the right to prohibit a specific user from using the videos and images provided in Visit Umeå´s Content Bank. This can be made without any further explanation and the user shall then delete the downloaded video or image and remove (to the extent that it is possible) the video or image from where it is used.